Search Engine Marketing Services

Get Search Engine Marketing Services that deliver real results

Introduction to Our SEM Agency

Our search engine marketing (SEM) agency has over 10 years of experience helping businesses boost their online visibility and traffic through paid advertising campaigns. We are experts at leveraging platforms like Google Ads to connect you with more of your ideal customers.

SEM refers to promoting your website through paid ads on search engines and other online platforms. It involves:

  • Keyword research to identify high-value search terms
  • Crafting compelling ad copy and creatives
  • Setting up and optimising campaigns on search platforms
  • Tracking performance through analytics and acting on insights

The main benefits of SEM services include:

  • Increased website visitors and leads
  • Improved brand awareness and visibility
  • Higher rankings for strategic keywords
  • More control over your marketing budget

SEM complements organic search engine optimization (SEO). While SEO focuses on earning high rankings through content, SEM quickly places ads in front of motivated searchers to drive visits and conversions.

Our SEM experts specialise in leveraging paid search to capture more of your potential customers searching online. We develop customised strategies tailored to your business and provide complete transparency on campaign performance through detailed analytics and reporting.

Let our experienced team of specialists develop, manage, and optimise a data-driven SEM campaign that delivers new business for you!

Search Engine Marketing Services

Our search engine marketing (SEM) agency offers a comprehensive suite of services to drive results across the entire customer journey. Whether you want to boost awareness, increase conversions, or maximise lifetime value, we have the specialised SEM skill sets to meet your needs.

Keyword Research and Strategy

The foundation of effective SEM is identifying the optimum keywords and phrases that your potential customers are searching for. Our keyword research process includes:

  • Keyword mining from your existing website content and ads
  • Industry research into popular and emerging search trends
  • Competitive analysis to find proven high-value keywords
  • Search volume and seasonal fluctuation tracking
  • Query intent analysis to match keywords to stages of the buyer journey

We categorise keywords into tightly focused ad groups based on parameters like search intent and product/service relevancy. This enables optimal targeting, relevancy, and campaign performance.

Amazon PPC

Amazon advertising is crucial for eCommerce brands looking to amplify their visibility in the lucrative Amazon marketplace. Our experts help you:

  • Set up and optimise your Amazon Seller Central account
  • Run Sponsored Products campaigns to promote individual product listings
  • Launch Sponsored Brands ads to increase overall brand awareness
  • Track and analyse campaign metrics like click-through rate and ACoS

We identify opportunities to reduce your advertising spend while increasing sales.

Video Advertising

Video ads help capture consumer attention and prompt action. Our video advertising services include:

  • Producing engaging marketing videos tailored to your brand
  • Running paid video ad campaigns on YouTube and other platforms
  • Optimising based on watch time, completion rates, click-throughs, and conversions
  • Leveraging advanced YouTube analytics to refine targeting and messaging

Video builds brand awareness and recall. Let us help you connect with consumers through sight, sound and motion.

Paid Search Advertising

The paid search ads we create are designed to capture searchers’ attention and prompt action. We specialise in:

  • Researching and selecting highly relevant search keywords
  • Crafting compelling ad headlines, descriptions and displays
  • Developing tightly themed ad groups around customer intent
  • Designing ad extensions such as call, location and price extensions
  • Split testing ad elements to optimise click-through and conversion rates
Our disciplined approach to paid search advertising benefits both branded and non-branded SEM campaigns.

Ads A/B Split Testing

Continuous testing and optimisation is key to improving ad performance over time. Our rigorous split testing evaluates elements like:

  • Headline and description phrasing
  • Call-to-action variations
  • Ad placement (position bid adjustments)
  • Extensions impact (call, location, etc.)
  • Landing page versions
  • Offers and promotions
We analyse results statistically to determine winning combinations that maximise your ROI.

SEM PPC Management

Our comprehensive search engine marketing management includes:

  • In-depth on-page optimisation to maximise Quality Scores
  • Keyword research and ongoing expansion of your SEM keyword list
  • Developing high performing text, display, and video ad creative
  • Daily bid management and budget pacing
  • Conversion tracking setup for insights into ROI
  • Regular performance analysis to capitalise on trends

We handle all the complexity so you can focus on higher priorities.

Bing and Google Ads Management

Specialising in both Google Ads and Bing Ads management enables us to get you in front of users on the top two search engines. Our SEM experts:

  • Set up and configure robust campaigns on both platforms
  • Leverage unique advanced features of each
  • Adjust bids and targeting in real-time based on campaign data
  • Maintain optimal account health by staying on top of platform changes
  • Optimise budgets across engines to maximise performance
More exposure across more search platforms equals greater qualified traffic.


Remarketing targets visitors who previously interacted with your brand when they later access other sites and apps. Our remarketing capabilities include:

  • Setting up visitor tracking across your website
  • Creating custom audience lists based on actions taken
  • Serving ads to past visitors as they browse partner sites
  • Tailoring ad messaging based on visitors’ earlier interests
  • Integrating with major platforms like Google and Facebook
Remarketing helps keep your brand top of mind until visitors are ready to convert.

Search Engine Optimisation

While primarily an SEM agency, we recognise the importance of SEO as a foundation. Our core SEO services include:

  • Comprehensive website audits identifying optimisation needs
  • Technical site enhancements to improve crawlability and indexing
  • Content strategy creation focusing on topics that rank well and convert
  • Link building to increase authority and organic search traffic
  • Local SEO optimisation to rank better for geographic searches

SEO and SEM together pack an online marketing punch no competitor can match.

eCommerce Advertising

For online retailers, we develop comprehensive paid advertising strategies designed to:

  • Increase product visibility and website traffic
  • Promote discounts and special offers
  • Drive repeat purchases through remarketing
  • Cross-sell complementary products
  • Develop lookalike audiences similar to existing buyers
  • Build holiday season momentum and sales

Our eCommerce SEM services help you acquire new customers and maximise lifetime value.

Social Media Paid Advertising

Paid social can help amplify reach and engagement across the social platforms where your audience is most active. We specialise in:

  • Facebook and Instagram advertising campaign creation and management
  • LinkedIn ad campaigns focused on lead generation
  • Pinterest marketing to drive website traffic
  • Next door ads to increase local visibility
  • Budget allocation across multiple social platforms

Our experts stay on top of constantly evolving social media algorithms and features.

Landing Page Conversion

Your website pages play a crucial role in converting inbound SEM traffic into sales. We optimise landing pages to:

  • Align page content with associated keywords and ad copy

  • Make calls-to-action and conversion paths clear

  • Reduce steps required to convert

  • Accelerate load speeds through technical optimisation

Conversions happen when motivated visitors instantly see how your brand solves their needs. Our landing page creation and optimisation services ensure this happens.

Our Comprehensive SEM Process

Our search engine marketing (SEM) agency provides end-to-end solutions tailored to your unique business goals and needs. We take care of everything required to get your paid search campaigns up and running quickly, while delivering maximum value and return on your investment. Get in touch to learn more about our complete range of search engine marketing services!

Keyword Research and Selection

Thorough keyword research is the foundation of an effective SEM strategy. Our team analyses your website content, surveys your customers, explores your competitors' keywords, and leverages tools like Google Keyword Planner to build a targeted list of highly relevant search terms.

search engine marketing uk

The SEM Results We Deliver

Our data-driven approach to search engine marketing delivers proven results for increased traffic, qualified leads, and sales. Here are some of the key outcomes our clients experience from our SEM campaigns:

Increased Traffic, Leads, and Sales

The primary goal of any SEM program is driving growth for your business. Our strategic use of targeted paid search helps connect your brand with consumers actively looking for your products or services. We have expertise driving rapid increases in:

  • Website traffic – by getting your site to appear prominently for commercial keywords
  • Lead generation – by optimising ads and landing pages to convert visitors
  • Online and offline sales – by tracking conversions on your site and in stores

For many clients, our SEM campaigns deliver a >200% increase in website traffic within just the first 3 months. We have case studies showing over 30% reduction in cost per lead and 2X growth in monthly sales from SEM.

Improved Brand Awareness and Visibility

Beyond direct response, SEM also plays an important brand-building role. Measurable improvements we deliver include:

  • Greater online visibility – through prominent presence on SERPs
  • Higher brand recall – by serving ads to more of your potential customers
  • Expanded reach – tapping into new demographics and geographies

By blanketing your keywords and competitors, we ensure your brand is top of mind with consumers researching purchases in your niche.

Higher ROI and Lower Customer Acquisition Costs

Our SEM team optimises campaigns to maximise your return on advertising spend. Typical results include:

  • Improved conversion rates – through ongoing CRO testing
  • Lower cost per lead/sale – via bid adjustments and negative keywords
  • Higher ROAS – by focusing budget on highest performing keywords and ads

Careful tracking of profitability by keyword enables us to optimise your budgets for the greatest efficiency.

Deep Insights into Your Market and Customers

The data we gather from your SEM campaigns provides unmatched insights into customer behaviour:

  • Your most lucrative demographics and geographic markets
  • New audience segments and interest areas to target
  • Trends in keyword usage and popularity over time
  • Competitor spending patterns and activities

These insights enable you to fine-tune product development, content marketing, and future marketing campaigns.

Detailed Monthly Reporting on Progress

We provide comprehensive reporting each month covering:

  • Campaign results vs. goals
  • Change tracking month-over-month
  • Return on ad spend trends
  • Conversions and conversion rates
  • Click-through-rates
  • Impressions and CTR by keyword
  • Performance by ad creative, landing page, etc.

This level of transparency into your SEM performance enables us to collaborate effectively and drive continuous optimisation.

Let us deliver the rapid growth you seek by connecting with consumers through targeted SEM campaigns. Get in touch today!

search engine marketing services

Why Choose Our SEM Agency?

When selecting an SEM partner, you need an agency you can trust to represent your brand creatively and skillfully. Here are the top reasons to choose our team for your search engine marketing needs:

Our SEM Expertise and Years of Experience

Our SEM specialists have been exclusively focused on paid search marketing for over 10 years. The expertise we bring includes:

  • In-depth knowledge of SEM best practices
  • Experience optimising thousands of keywords and ads
  • Familiarity with the algorithms of Google, Bing, and other search engines
  • The ability to quickly turn insights into impact for your campaigns
  • Testing and troubleshooting to maximise your ad spend

Our strategic perspective helps unlock greater value from your SEM programs.

Tailored Strategies Based on Your Goals

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our strategies are tailored specifically to your unique objectives around:

  • Increasing website traffic
  • Generating more leads
  • Growing brand awareness
  • Improving ROI from SEM spend

Understanding your needs enables us to develop a customised SEM approach aligned to your business priorities.

Dedicated Account Manager

Upon onboarding, you are assigned a dedicated account manager responsible for the day-to-day management of your SEM campaigns. This single point of contact understands your goals intimately and works closely with you to:

  • Implement your program
  • Analyse and report on performance
  • Identify and capitalise on optimisation opportunities
  • Answer your questions and address concerns

You have the direct access you need to our team’s expertise.

Completely Transparent Pricing

All our services are priced upfront with no hidden fees. We propose SEM packages tailored to your budgetary needs. As your campaigns scale, we leverage discounts from the search platforms themselves to optimise what you pay.

We are committed to providing complete pricing transparency and maximising the return on your marketing investment.

We Handle Everything From Start to Finish

As your full service SEM agency, we handle all aspects of executing and optimising your campaigns, allowing you to focus fully on your core business. The areas we fully manage include:

  • Keyword discovery and targeting
  • Ad creation and optimisation
  • Landing page design
  • Search platform management
  • Budgeting and bidding
  • Performance analysis and reporting

This comprehensive management covers your SEM campaigns from start to finish.

The growth potential through search engine marketing is immense. Let our SEM specialists partner with you to capitalise on this opportunity and take your business to the next level.

FAQs on Our SEM Services

Below we have addressed some commonly asked questions about our search engine marketing services:
SEM delivers several important benefits that can significantly impact your business:

  • Increased website traffic – SEM rapidly increases visits from motivated searchers.
  • More leads and sales – By optimising ads and landing pages, SEM drives conversions.
  • Improved brand visibility – Your brand appears prominently in search results.
  • Greater reach – SEM expands your access to new demographics and locations.
  • Valuable customer insights – The data provides insights to inform future marketing.
We tailor our SEM approach to your specific growth goals and business context.

Our comprehensive SEM services include:

  • Detailed keyword discovery, research, and analysis

  • Design and testing of highly targeted text ads

  • Development of custom landing pages optimised for conversions

  • Management of campaigns across search platforms like Google and Bing

  • Granular audience, device, and location targeting options

  • Daily bid adjustments and budget optimisation

  • In-depth performance reporting and analytics

We shape your package and monthly investment based on your unique objectives.

We leverage advanced analytics to evaluate and communicate SEM campaign performance:

  • Platform analytics – Built-in tools like Google Analytics to monitor engagement.
  • Custom dashboards – Visual reports on spend, clicks, CTR, conversions, etc.
  • Bid management platforms – Centralised tracking and optimization of paid search.
  • Business intelligence integrations – Analysis across marketing channels.
  • Custom reporting – Tailored monthly performance reports.

You receive complete transparency into your SEM results.

Some best practices our experts use to maximise your SEM ROI include:

  • Optimising ads/landing pages to increase conversion rates
  • Focusing budget on high-performing keywords and ads
  • Leveraging negative keywords to reduce irrelevant clicks
  • Crafting highly relevant ads closely matched to searcher intent
  • Keeping a tight feedback loop between results and search engine marketing campaign optimisation
We continuously analyse and refine campaigns to improve your SEM efficiency.
One of the advantages of SEM is that you can see results very rapidly. Here is typical time to impact:

  • Immediate increase in impressions and traffic once campaign is live
  • Conversions within first 1-2 weeks as algorithms optimise performance
  • Continued improvements in conversion rates over the first 2-3 months
  • Significant growth in overall conversions and sales over 6-12 months
You should see a positive ROI from SEM within your first 60-90 days.

Our rigorous approach to identifying high-value keywords involves:

  • Extensive review of keywords that currently drive traffic and conversions
  • Research into new long-tail variations aligned to your offerings
  • Competitive analysis to find proven terms in your space
  • Evaluating monthly search volumes for relevance and commercial intent
  • Organising keywords into tightly themed ad groups
  • Ongoing keyword expansion based on campaign performance

We focus our advertising budget on the keywords that matter most to reaching your potential customers

Absolutely. The majority of searches now happen on mobile devices, so our SEM experts ensure your presence across all screens by:

  • Designing responsive ads and landing pages
  • Monitoring engagement and conversions by device
  • Adjusting bids considering performance differences
  • Serving ads on both mobile and desktop
  • Optimising site speed and user experience on mobile
You get maximum exposure and impact on mobile and desktop.
Yes, we provide integrated services across:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Content strategy and content marketing
  • Email marketing and automation
  • Website design, development and hosting
  • Social media marketing
  • Digital ads (display, video, OTT)
  • Marketing analytics and business intelligence
We surround SEM with additional digital strategies to maximise your overall results.
Our key differentiators include:

  • 10+ years specialising exclusively in SEM and paid search
  • Strong focus on strategy backed by data-driven decision making
  • Holistic approach considering SEO, social media, and content marketing interplay
  • Custom-tailored recommendations based on your unique situation
  • Hands-on C-level management of your account
  • Complete transparency reflected in our reporting
  • Month-to-month contracts providing maximum flexibility
We are trusted SEM advisors who become an extension of your team.

It’s simple to get started:

  1. Contact our search engine marketing consultants to schedule an initial consultation
  2. We discuss your goals and needs to shape an SEM proposal
  3. Finalise scope of work based on your priorities and budget
  4. We onboard your business and launch initial pilot campaigns
  5. Optimise campaigns based on data-driven insights and trends

Don’t wait to unlock the power of SEM. Let’s chat about putting our proven search marketing expertise to work for you today!

Invest in search engine marketing uk from Digital Website Design today

Search engine marketing (SEM) is one of the most cost effective strategies for increasing your business’s visibility and reaching more of your ideal customers online. With Digital Website Design’s expert SEM management, you can gain an edge over competitors and accelerate your company’s growth.

With over 25 years of experience, our internet marketing agency knows how to develop and execute data-driven SEM campaigns that deliver results. We take a consultative, client-first approach to build a digital marketing strategy that is tailored to your unique business goals and needs.

Our clients consistently rave about the high-impact marketing services we provide. We have an 85% client retention rate and a customer recommendation score 200% higher than other search engine marketing agencies. We become an extension of your team to drive the best possible outcomes through your marketing.

Don’t take our word for it. Read our glowing client testimonials that highlight the exceptional service and measurable growth we’ve delivered for companies across diverse industries.

Whether you want to boost traffic, leads, sales, or brand awareness, our seasoned SEM company can customise an integrated advertising strategy aligned to your specific objectives. We surround SEM with additional digital strategies like content marketing and SEO to maximise your overall online impact.

Ready to turn more online visibility into revenue for your business? Contact Digital Website Design online or call 07411230203 to speak with a strategist about our proven SEM management services. Let our digital marketing experts craft an SEM strategy that helps your company acquire more qualified customers and outpace competitors. The time to invest in targeted SEM is now!