Web Development Services

We develop memorable websites. Give Digital Website design a try

Make your website a revenue generator with our web development services

Web development is one of the most important services that web developers provide. There is fierce competition on the Internet, and your website must stand out from your competitors. Both first impressions and the overall visitor experience are influenced by its web design & development.

The vast majority of website visitors say they will stop engaging with a website if the layout and content aren’t appealing, it’s hard to navigate, and it’s not user-friendly. Web development services help create a web design that not only looks attractive and professional, but also works flawlessly across different web browsers.

What is web development

The term web development refers to the process of building, developing, and maintaining websites. These include elements such as web development, web publishing, web programming, and database management. Web development is the work that takes place behind the scenes so that websites look great, run fast, and provide a seamless user experience.

A web development agency will create websites using various coding languages. They use different languages depending on the type of task they are performing and the platform they use.

Web development vs Web design services

Web design involves both the aesthetic part of the website as well as its usability. Using programs such as Adobe Photoshop our web design services create the layout and other visual elements of a website.

Web developers, on the other hand, take a web design and turn it into a functioning website. In the process of implementing the design files, web developers use HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and other programming languages.

Why web development is important

You lose a lot of potential business opportunities by not having a website. Those are business opportunities you cannot afford to lose. This is because the internet lets you reach a greater number of people through digital marketing such as search engine optimisation so it is more effective than conventional advertising.

Here are some of the reasons why your business needs web development services.

Overtake your competitors


Most consumers will go on the internet to learn more about a product or service before purchasing it. They will research product specifications, prices, watch videos of the products/services and look at reviews of the products/services.

You must be visible when a prospective client begins to search for information about your products/services and good web design services and custom website development along with a marketing strategy will provide the information they are researching.

Provide information

A website provides a valuable resource for providing information to customers about your products/services. A Web development agency would provide this via FAQ sections, Ask a question sections on product pages and knowledge/help portals.

In the event a customer needs to contact you for any reason, having custom online forms, live chat applications, a commenting system or a phone number is a great way to reach out to them, which increases the likelihood of closing the sale.

Provide information
Enhance user experience

Enhance user experience

Content still reigns supreme to this day, perhaps even more so than before, but what you present is even more important. For your message to be effective, you need to create original, relevant, and interesting content that has value to your target audience.

Managing user experience, content relevance, and conversion results are all possible with good web development services. It is the quality of your content and the functionality of your website that allows you to present content that establishes your website as unique and enables you to effectively communicate with your customers.

Answer queries

A website provides a valuable resource for providing information to customers about your products/services. A Web development agency would provide this via FAQ sections, Ask a question sections on product pages and knowledge/help portals.

In the event a customer needs to contact you for any reason, having custom online forms, live chat applications, a commenting system or a phone number is a great way to reach out to them, which increases the likelihood of closing the sale.

Answer queries

Our Web Development process

Following a client’s website objectives, our Web design services will developed an Information Architecture (IA) to determine how the website’s content should be organized. After that, we go through the UX UI process, we create wireframes and then move on to prototypes. Our website developers will then proceed to develop the website once the prototypes have been signed off by the client.

As part of the business meeting stage, we will determine if the customer wants a content management system for in-house editing of the website or if the site should be static, meaning it should not have a content management system.

Additionally, we would determine if the site needs to be mobile-friendly, if a separate mobile website is necessary or if they require mobile app development. We will then determine whether the client wants the site to be managed by us.

Knowing how your client wants their web design to function will help determine the kind of functionality that needs to be implemented. Clients may wish to control this functionality, but this will require additional coding because non-technical users cannot edit the code.

Writing the code is the next step in the web development process. Depending on the functionality of the site (including design, interactivity, etc.) we may use different coding languages (such as HTML, CSS or PHP) for the front-end and backend. These languages work together to build and run your website.

Let's start with languages that are widely used.


A website cannot be made without HTML, which is the foundation of every website. HTML codes are used to create the basic site structure and CSS and JavaScript extend and modify that structure. The most recent version of HTML is HTML5, which supports cross-platform browsers, making it popular for mobile application development.


Css is the cosmetic code that creates design elements such as typography, colors, and layouts for web development projects. In addition, CSS is compatible with all browsers, so your website can be customized to match the aesthetic you envision for it.


Using javascript, developers can add animations, automate tasks within certain pages, and implement interactive features that enhance the user experience.


Using php developers can create web applications, integrate databases into web pages and create interactive web pages in their web development projects
Three things will be determined when our backend web developers build your website.

  • Code that governs how your website responds to certain requests and handles how objects interact on your site.
  • Organise, manage, and retrieve your website's data with database management.
  • Determine the web hosting that is needed for your website

With these elements and decisions in place, we can begin developing the front-end of your website. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are used for front-end (or client-side) website development services. What you listed in your wireframe and design proofs is what you will be reflecting in Front end development and other components such as typography and fonts, navigation, positioning, and browser compatibility and responsiveness are also controlled by it.

After all of our web design & development services are  completed, we will conduct a thorough review and testing of your website to make sure that our web page development services and all functionality works as expected. This includes

  • The front-end and back-end functions (website editing), any web applications and any databases function;
  • All web pages load quickly on most web browsers;
  • All web pages look and function properly on mobile devices and are user friendly;
  • Web browsers can load the web applications you need to run your website.

Once all tests have been completed we can move to the launch of your website

“Digital Website Design built my company website and provided an excellent professional service. I was involved in each stage of the website build and was completely satisfied with the service they provided”

CEO: Kozana London

Web Development Costs

Among the most questions, we get from businesses is what are the actual costs of website development. Although you can find some ballpark figures on the Internet, you will rarely get an accurate estimate. It is very difficult to answer the question of how much a web development project costs.

It is a common question when you are getting an extension on your house: “What will it cost to build my extension?” There are several factors that affect costs including

  • The type of extension
  • The layout
  • The material used
  • The number of rooms
  • The size of the extension
  • The interior finish, and more

Web dev services follow the same principle. We’ve simplified the process by providing a costing calculator with a variety of factors to predict how much  web design and development will cost.

We can help with these top SEO issues

No HTTPS Security

Website indexation issues

Errors reported in Google Search Console

Users sent to incorrect language pages

No XML Sitemaps

Missing or Incorrect Robots.txt

Meta Robots NOINDEX Set

Slow Page Speed

Multiple Versions of the Homepage

Incorrect Rel=Canonical

Duplicate Content

Missing Alt Tags

Broken Links

Not Enough Use of Structured Data

Missing or Non-Optimised Meta Descriptions

Users Sent to Pages with Wrong Language

Issues with mobile performance

A sudden drop in organic traffic

Web development maintenance

As an online service, your website is not just about delivering content to users. It’s also important to identify that everything works well and your website is user friendly so you meet or exceed the needs of your visitors at all times.

Detecting and fixing the problem as soon as possible is the highest priority for our web development support services. Unless you provide stable website solutions, you may find one day that your users would rather use another website than put up with the inconvenience.

Web Development Solutions Tailored to Your Business

Looking for reliable web development services in the UK? Our web development company is here to help! With our team of expert web designers and developers, we offer bespoke web development solutions to meet your unique needs.

Our web development expertise covers a wide range of services, including ecommerce websites and lead generation. We have extensive experience in creating custom ecommerce websites that drive traffic, increase sales, and grow revenue for our clients.

As one of the top web development companies, we understand the importance of delivering exceptional results. Our web development team has worked with various industries, helping businesses sell to institutions, reach new patients in the medical field, and introduce traditional companies to the power of Internet marketing.

When you choose our web development service, you gain access to our technical expertise and dedicated team. We provide cost-effective solutions, ensuring your website stands out and generates results. Whether you need web development or web design, our skilled professionals are here to assist you.

Experience the benefits of our web development service today. Contact us to discuss your project and let our experienced web developers create a website that drives success for your business.

Why choose us

Our team of web developers are ready to help you create an engaging and user-friendly website for your business. Utilising the very best software solutions and web technologies, our web development services company keeps your business secure and on the cutting edge of technology.