Technical SEO Services

How We Can Help Your Website

Improve your website with technical SEO services

You can have a great website with great content and marketing. Still, your SEO performance will suffer if there are technical problems. You can improve your website’s performance and user experience with technical SEO services. This, in turn, can generate more business and increase your return on investment (ROI).

Digital Website Design has a team of skilled technical experts who can help you with various technical SEO challenges, including project support, consultancy, and hands-on management. We take pride in delivering industry-leading technical expertise and cutting-edge solutions to capture high-quality leads and traffic.

By partnering with us, you can ensure your website reaches its full potential and achieves your business goals. So, why wait? Let us help you boost your online presence today.

What is technical SEO

Technical SEO means optimising a website’s technical elements to show up higher in search engine results. This involves ensuring the website is easy to crawl and has a user-friendly structure.

Technical SEO focuses on improving things that affect how search engines crawl, display, and rank a website. Google ranks websites by crawling, rendering, indexing, and ranking them.

Since there are billions of smartphone users worldwide, Google cares about how fast and mobile-friendly a website is when ranking it.

If a website has problems like poor structure, slow loading times, or weird redirects, it can be punished by Google. This can result in a significant drop in search rankings and traffic.

Technical SEO aims to ensure a website can be easily crawled and displayed by search engines. Once this happens, Google uses various factors to rank the website and web pages for user queries.

We develop a variety of web solutions

Business Websites

Marketplace websites

Ecommerce websites

Wholesale website portals

CMS Education websites

Magazine websites

Blogs Landing pages

Social media websites

Website Functionality

Charity websites

Portfolio websites

Directory websites

Charity websites

Crowdfunding websites

Estate agency Websites

Online Booking Systems

Our Technical SEO Services

We offer various technical SEO services to improve your website’s organic search visibility.

Technical SEO services

Technical SEO audits

We offer a Technical SEO Audit service to help you identify and fix any technical SEO issues on your website. Our team will check essential things like mobile performance, page speed, internal link structure, core web vitals, and provide solutions to improve your website’s performance and increase your Google rankings.

We’ll also analyse your backlinks to make sure you’re getting links from reputable websites and provide you with recommendations to boost your website’s online presence.

Our detailed report will summarise our findings and give actionable recommendations to improve your website’s technical SEO.

On-page SEO services

We provide On-page SEO services to help improve your website’s search engine rankings. Our team optimises content, graphics, meta tags, internal links, linking, design, server speed, and IP addresses. We also pay attention to technical details to make small changes that lead to significant results.

JavaScript is a crucial part of most websites, significantly impacting user experience. Its structure and handling of interactions with hosts or events can also impact your website’s SEO performance. Our team ensures that your website’s JavaScript is optimised to impact your search engine rankings positively.

on-page seo
website speed

Improving the Speed and Efficiency of Your Website

A well-optimised website is essential for search engine optimisation, but more is needed to make your website rank high. If your website is fast and easy to navigate, it will perform well, and you’ll retain potential customers. Fortunately, we use several techniques to improve your website’s speed and performance, which include

  • Compressing files such as CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
  • Minimise redirects
  • Leveraging browser caching and
  • Implement a Content Delivery Network (CDNs)
  • Optimise database

Optimising your website’s speed and efficiency is critical for a better user experience, higher conversion rates, and improved search engine rankings.

SEO-friendly website migration services

Website migration can impact your organic search performance if not done correctly. It’s essential to plan and involve experts to manage risks.

Website migration is a sensitive process; we can help make it SEO-friendly. We’ll analyse analytics, map URLs, update links, remove duplicate content, and monitor traffic and rankings. We have years of experience and have completed many successful website migrations of different sizes and complexities.

Google penalty removal

Suppose Google penalises your website due to algorithm changes or the use of black-hat SEO techniques in WordPress. In that case, our SEO experts can help you recover. We use Google Search Console to determine what type of penalty your site has, analyse your backlinks, and fix any issues with your web pages and content that Google has crawled. We also make sure your redirects are working correctly.

Removing a Google penalty isn’t just about technical SEO; it requires understanding how search engine algorithms work. Our team can help you identify any manual action taken by Google and get it removed from your site. We can also determine if an algorithm update affects your area and why.

Structure & architecture review

We review website structures and architecture to make sure they work well. Our SEO experts check navigation, links, and URLs to ensure your site is easy to use and search engines can find the necessary content.

We aim to make your website easy to use and find by search engines. We can help you improve your website’s structure and architecture for better rankings and user experience.

Optimise meta data

To attract more visitors to your website and improve your search engine ranking, it’s essential to use effective meta tags that accurately describe your page content. At Digital Website Design, we specialise in technical SEO for WordPress, which includes optimising your meta descriptions, title tags, meta keywords, alt attributes, and robot tags. By ensuring that your metadata is used correctly, we can prevent any negative impact on your SEO performance.

Optimising images

Visitors may leave before seeing your content if your website takes too long to load. To prevent this, we offer technical SEO services, including optimising your images to reduce their file size and improve your website’s loading speed. We use image sitemaps and plugins to ensure that your images are displayed correctly and in the proper format.

image optimisation
schema markup

Structured data markup creation

We use structured data markup to make it easier for search engines to understand your website’s content. This involves highlighting your page elements, assigning data tags, creating HTML, and adding schema markup. We use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to test your markup and identify any issues that may negatively impact your website’s performance in search results pages.

International SEO

To fully capitalise on the benefits of having an international website, optimising it for search engines is crucial. This involves careful planning and implementing technical SEO strategies that enable search engines to identify which country or language the website should be displayed in. This process, known as international SEO, is vital for multilingual and multiregional e-commerce websites.

At our company, we offer services to help businesses monitor and maintain their Hreflang implementations, which are critical for effective international SEO. Using our tools, we can also track your international SEO efforts to ensure that your website performs optimally.

mobile seo

Mobile SEO

As mobile devices continue to rise in popularity, optimising your website for mobile search is becoming increasingly important. With mobile devices becoming the preferred choice for users to search for different products and services, it’s vital to ensure that your mobile site is easily discoverable in mobile search results.

To achieve this, we configure on-site technical elements that enable search engines to correctly crawl and index your mobile website. By doing so, we can improve your chances of ranking higher in mobile search results and attracting more traffic to your site.

Benefits of Technical SEO Optimisation: Why it Matters for Your Business

Improving your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial to generating high-quality organic traffic. However, the benefits of technical SEO optimisation go beyond traffic and can positively impact your business and users.

Conversion Rate Boost

Technical SEO is instrumental in enhancing the overall conversion rate of each page on your website. When a website is optimised for SEO, it ranks higher in keyword searches and attracts relevant traffic that is more likely to convert. With the help of an SEO consultant, your website can be tailored to drive more conversions and increase revenue.

Efficient Mobile Performance

Mobile usage continues to rise, with it, the need for mobile-friendly websites. Technical SEO ensures that your site is optimised for mobile performance, which can help drive mobile traffic to your site. Improved mobile SEO results in better user experience and can lead to more sales and conversions.

Better SEO Results

Technical SEO is essential to achieving better overall SEO results. Improved search engine ranking leads to increased traffic, which can translate to a higher return on investment (ROI) and desired levels of conversion rates. Technical SEO is a worthwhile investment that can deliver significant business benefits.

Enhanced User Experience

Optimising your site for technical SEO leads to a better user experience. Users are likelier to stay on your site and interact with your content after a positive experience. Poor website performance, slow page speeds, and lack of intuitiveness can lead to frustration and abandoned sessions. You can improve engagement, reduce bounce rates, and increase conversions by providing users with an optimised website.

In conclusion, technical SEO optimisation is a vital aspect of website design that can help your business achieve its goals. Following SEO best practices can boost your website’s search engine ranking, improve mobile performance, drive more traffic, and enhance user experience. Investing in technical SEO is a wise decision that can yield long-term benefits for your business.

Why Invest in a Technical SEO Agency?

A website is essential for any business, but it needs to be optimised for search engines to be visible to potential customers. Unfortunately, many websites need to be designed with search engine optimisation in mind, resulting in errors that can harm their performance.

Technical SEO helps you make the right technical decisions over time to optimise your website and maximise its search engine visibility. By partnering with an established technical SEO agency, you’ll have access to experts who stay up-to-date with search engine algorithms.

Using the latest tools, we can quickly identify the technical elements on your website preventing you from achieving your true ranking potential. By improving these areas, we can help your website crawl and index more efficiently, increasing site speed, visibility and accessibility.

Our work can also enhance the user experience for your visitors, increasing the likelihood of visits turning into sales.

In summary, partnering with a technical SEO agency is a wise investment that can yield significant returns over time. Optimising your website can improve its search engine visibility, drive organic traffic, and increase conversions.

Technical SEO services FAQ’s?

Below are some of the questions our clients have asked

Technical SEO Specialists are responsible for testing, analysing, and modifying a website to optimise it for search engines. The goal is to improve the website’s ranking on major search engines like Google and Bing, increasing its visibility to potential users searching for related content.

This involves various activities such as identifying and fixing technical issues that may impact search engine crawling and indexing, optimising website structure and content, and implementing effective strategies to enhance user experience. The Technical SEO Specialist works to ensure that the website is both search engine-friendly and user-friendly, aiming to drive traffic to the site and boost its online presence.

Technical SEO involves optimising a website to make it more search engine-friendly and user-friendly. Some examples of technical SEO tasks include submitting a sitemap to Google, creating an SEO-friendly site structure, and optimising website speed and mobile responsiveness. Other everyday technical SEO activities include:

  • Fixing broken links.
  • Ensuring that web pages are correctly indexed.
  • Implementing structured data markup to help search engines understand the content on the site.
These tasks are designed to make the website more visible to search engines and more accessible for users, ultimately leading to increased traffic and improved online visibility.
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, improves a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. Technical SEO is a specific aspect of SEO that focuses on optimising a website’s technical elements to improve its search engine ranking. This includes website speed optimisation, website structure and ensuring that web pages are correctly indexed.

In contrast, on-page SEO refers to optimising the website content, such as using relevant keywords, meta tags, and internal linking. On the other hand, off-page SEO includes link building, social media marketing, and different strategies to improve a website’s online presence and reputation. While technical SEO and on-page SEO are focused on improving a website’s search engine ranking, they differ in their approach. Technical SEO focuses on the technical aspects of a website, while on-page SEO focuses on optimising website content. Both are important for a comprehensive SEO strategy that can help drive traffic to a website and improve its online visibility

If you’re looking for ways to make your website stand out from the crowd, WordPress web development services are a great solution. From customizing the design and layout of your website to developing bespoke functionality, using WordPress developers can help to give your business a competitive advantage.

With a breadth of capabilities, such as integrating with existing plugins and content management systems, these professionals can provide the expertise that businesses need to create websites tailored precisely to their needs.

From helping with security measures to optimizing performance, there’s no limit as to what WordPress developers can accomplish when it comes to creating stunning websites that achieve business goals.

Once we create your WordPress website, managing it is easy and straightforward. To make sure you can confidently handle updates yourself, we provide extensive training and all the tools required. We even set up a test version of your site before going live, so you can take some time to get used to the idea of making changes yourself.

That’s not it though – our experienced web designers are committed to being there for any advice or assistance you need, even after the project is finished. With us, partnering with our team is more than just a one-time deal – it’s an ongoing relationship!

Let us be your next SEO provider

Our goal is to reduce the risk you take when you work with us. Therefore, we don’t tie our clients into long-term contracts; instead, we offer a 50% discount until results are visible in search engines.

This allows our clients to take advantage of a great deal and provides us with the incentive to succeed quickly. Because of our excellent return on investment and flexibility to leave, many of our clients have stayed with us much longer than 12 months. Getting those results for our clients is our mission.