Website Security Services

Cutting Edge Security for You and Your Customers

Website security is important because it prevents hackers from stealing your website’s data and then using that information to get into other websites. This makes a website security service a must for any website owner who wants to protect their website and website content.

Investing in website security after your site has been compromised or infected with a virus is too late. Online fraudsters, hackers and viruses attack websites every day. For businesses, this has made protecting their websites from security breaches essential.

Teams of professionals put in place security measures to find and prevent thousands of dangerous attacks on web servers all over the world. In the absence of comprehensive security for your website, you are already at risk of security data breaches.

website security services

Feel safe and secure knowing your website is secure

Your website is a vital component of your business. We ensure that the site is performing according to expectations, that it is secure, that we have performed a website backup, and are up-to-date. Having a reliable partner is important to your business. We provide timely technical support within hours (or less) when you have questions or need assistance.

Reports monthly
We will send you a monthly report on the health of your website, including analytics and uptime.
Live Monitoring
In addition to our dedicated real-time inspection, we employ security software that aids us when responding to critical issues.
Online Access
In case of a problem, you can contact your project manager directly by email or phone.
A Team Dedicated to Excellence
Each of our clients is assigned a dedicated client manager. In tandem with your needs, the team that supports you will grow.
How does website security work?

How does website security work?

HTTP Secure, or HTTPS, is a way for browsers and Web servers to communicate securely. As information travels across the Internet, it is scrambled thanks to a combination of “certificates” and encryption, a communication technique.

Digital certificates prove the identity of websites, application providers, and individuals online. The very powerful and flexible HTTPS encryption, called SSL/TSL, overlays HTTP, the basic standard for internet communication. For a secure connection the address bar in your browser indicates whether you have a secure connection. The link will now be “” instead of “”

A website security service is provided by website security companies. They have website security software that will scan your web applications for any vulnerabilities, weaknesses or flaws in their design, coding, structure or operation that can be exploited by intruders. One of the key features of their website security service is that they will provide you with a report of their findings so you can work on improving the website’s vulnerability to cyber threats.

What are the main web security threats?

What are the main web security threats?

  • A phishing email
  • The ransomware threat
  • Injection of SQL data
  • PHP injections
  • Programming attacks
  • Impersonating executives
  • Spread of viruses
  • Installation of spyware

How much does website security cost?

Give your website the protection it deserves with our website care packages. If your website is not correctly maintained, your business could be exposed to a number of cyber threats which could affect its security, performance and reputation.

Keeping this in mind, we have designed our care packages to provide the best website security services while still allowing you to run your business.

Business Care Security Package

  • Our Business Security Package is perfect for new or existing websites that require a "semi secure website" on a budget
  • Security monitoring
  • Uptime monitoring
  • Weekly off-site backups
  • Website care reporting
  • WordPress & plugin updates

Bespoke Care Security Package

  • Our Bespoke Security Package is best suited to businesses that require bespoke services such as the ones listed below
  • Malware analysis
  • SEO poisoning recovery
  • Trojan detection
  • Hack repair
  • & more

Why is website security important?

Website security is important for a lot of reasons. If your website is not secure, it can be hacked which means that your website will either be flooded with harmful advertisements or another website will be stealing your website’s traffic. A hacker via DDoS attacks can steal your website’s personal information including passwords and credit card numbers.

Every day, an estimated 30 000 to 50 000 websites are hacked. Hackers are now getting more skilled at breaking into websites, so a website security service has become one of the most important ways to protect your users.Website security is also vital for protecting your website content from cyber threats that can disrupt services, expose sensitive data, or cripple business activities. Online security has become increasingly critical to keep users safe and ensure a great customer experience.

Let’s look at the reasons why:

Your customers can be targeted by hacked websites

Your customers can be targeted by hacked websites

A hacked website can target your customers in a number of ways. If your website host has been hacked, then your website may not be accessible to users or it might not render properly. Websites can be infected, data can be gathered, and computer resources can be hijacked with malicious software.

Infected sites are used by attackers to redirect traffic and infect users with malware. It means that unprotected sites are targeted by hackers to infect your users with malware.

Thousands of different types of malware exist, and there are thousands of ways to infect your website, which are mostly all done using automated hacking tools.

Sadly, the majority of hacked websites are used to retarget your website visitors.

Loss of reputation and decrease in revenue

With over 2 billion websites in use today, search engine optimisation is more critical than ever before. This means that every webmaster should know what search engine optimisation truly means as well as what potential it can provide.

Every website without valid SSL certificates will be marked as insecure by search engines, which will harm your company’s search rankings.

It is far easier to hack a website that does not contain an SSL certificate. A hacked website can lead to a customer to losing trust, which will affect the brand reputation, and in the case of e commerce websites can lead to a reduction in profits.

Loss of reputation and decrease in revenue
Cleaning a website is more expensive than protecting it

Cleaning a website is more expensive than protecting it

After discovering that your website has been hacked, the first thing you will do is try to find an explanation of how to fix and protect it. Yes, you will find many blog posts and articles about it, but all of them will recommend the same thing – hire someone to do it for you.

Website malware removal can be hard to do since the process of malware clean-up of a website is about assessing vulnerabilities and learning how hackers think.

Attackers make sure their backdoors are difficult to remove by hiding malware in original files and inside databases. It’s for this very reason that services of this nature cost upwards of £1000 per site, and even then, you may not be able to know if the website was properly cleaned.

Although malware removal is very expensive, it is the lost revenue and reputational damage that can take a lot of time and money to recover from.

Steps to Getting Started

It is estimated that Google quarantines thousands of suspicious sites every day. Search results will display the message “This site may harm your computer” when a suspicious site is identified.

It usually happens when a website contains something harmful for the user eg malware.

Sites that are blacklisted lose almost 95% of their organic traffic as a result of being removed from search engine indexes.

Steps to Getting Started
secure your website

What are website security services?

Prospective website owners should be aware of web security services and website security risks. Website security is a form of computer security that focuses on protecting the website from everything that could cause it damage or harm, such as hackers or malicious users. Some website owners might think that they have secure websites because they have security tools such as a web application firewall or anti-virus software installed. The problem with this line of thinking is that anti-virus software can’t protect against all cyber attacks as website security is not just about viruses. Website attackers are becoming more sophisticated, so website owners need to be vigilant in order to stay safe. We offer a variety of web security services such as
Changing usernames
Remove obvious usernames and ensure complex usernames reduces brute force attacks.
Complicated passwords should be used
Ensure they are secure, long, and different from each other.
Access rights
Review and reduce all permissions below admin level to the minimum needed, changing permissions only when needed and only for specific reasons.
Protect and hide config and .htaccess files
In order to prevent unauthorized access to these critical files.
File editing is disabled within the cms Dashboard
Hackers will not be able to edit files once they’ve accessed your WordPress admin.
Login to the admin form should be moved to a new location
This will make it more difficult to perform Bruteforce attacks on the login form
Limit attempts to log in
Block access after the number of failed attempts is reached.
Delete CMS version numbers
Older versions give useful information to hackers
Limit the IP addresses that can access the admin
This will make it more difficult to perform Bruteforce attacks on the login form
Full website SSL certificates Protection
Two-factor authentification
Update website software
Monthly website backup all files and databases
Prevent script injection
Securing file permissions
Content delivery network (CDN) integration
Web application firewall protection
Bruteforce protection
Monthly automated malware removal scan
Password secure access administrator folder

Website Security Services FAQs

As a web design company specialising in website security solutions, we understand the importance of protecting organisations from cyber threats. Our web security solutions offer visibility and protection against malicious websites, phishing attacks, and drive-by downloads. 

With URL filtering, we control user access, safeguard intellectual property, and prevent data breaches. Our adaptive data loss prevention solution ensures real-time monitoring, inspection, and redaction to block confidential information while allowing uninterrupted web traffic. 

We prioritise data privacy and regulatory compliance, such as PCI, HIPAA, and GDPR. Avoid the financial penalties, operational disruption, and reputational damage associated with data breaches. Trust our website security solutions to safeguard your organisation’s reputation and sensitive data.

As a website security provider, we offer a Secure Web Gateway (SWG) to ensure internet policy compliance and protect against cyber threats. Our SWG balances information protection and collaboration with outside parties. With three anti-virus engines and cloud-based lookups, it stops known and unknown malware infections. Real-time categorization and advanced URL filtering prevent employee access to risky or inappropriate websites. 

Our SWG also includes Data Loss Prevention (DLP) features, such as removing hidden metadata and scanning images to prevent sensitive information leaks. Content redaction maintains communication without compromising sensitive data or policies. With context-aware policies, our SWG minimizes false positives, optimizing DLP strategy management. Trust our website security solutions for a secure web gateway.

Choose Digital Website Design to secure your website

Are you ready to secure your website? Find out how we can help you achieve your goals by contacting us