We maintain smarter websites with our Website maintenance services

We’ll keep your website in tip-top shape, 24/7

It’s important to keep your website up-to-date with the latest security updates, latest content and performance tweaks in order for it to be optimized. This will ensure that you are able to potential clients long enough for them to successfully convert when buying goods or services and allow you to outrank your competitors in search engines results pages (SERPs) and fulfill your business goals.

Keeping your website healthy and optimized should be a part of your business goals. After all, it is their primary resource for attracting customers and generating leads. Website maintenance is an important factor in ensuring that your website ranks well on SERP result pages, brings you traffic and allows you to engage with customers.

what is website maintenance

What Is Website Maintenance?

Website maintenance can be one of the most important aspects of maintaining Ecommerce websites as products are constantly changing. If you don’t have a plan for how you are going to deal with regular updates to your site, then you are running the risk of harming any profits that may come in from your website.

A website is a very important part of your online presence and marketing efforts, but only if the website is being maintained. If you fail to take care of your site’s web design, then you will start to see a significant drop in website traffic and potential customers that visit your page.

Website maintenance may not be the most glamorous part of having a website, but it’s a crucial element to any successful marketing monthly plan.

Why Is Website Maintenance Important?

People who maintain their websites regularly will see higher click through rates and visitors on the site overall. By keeping your website current with fresh content and new plugins you can increase potential customers by as much as 50%. It is more than likely that you have spent a good amount of money on your website, so why would you risk losing potential business.

Website maintenance services can help ensure that your site is engaging and keeping visitors on the page. If they stay longer on your web page they are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer or sign up for something. This way you will see an increase in business and your website will be a key part of your success

Why Is Website Maintenance Important

How much does it cost to maintain a website?

When it comes to website maintenance services, the cost depends on the type of website you have. Website maintenance packages can cost anywhere from £85 a month all the way up to several hundred pounds or more depending upon how complex and interactive the requests are as well as what level of expertise in web design they require.

Website maintenance cost is often dependent not just on size but also on other factors such as skills needed for upkeep and time taken to complete each website design request. Our website maintenance service cost includes a lot of factors such as what service you require. Digital website design offers a full website maintenance package that starts from £300 per month. This will include Speed optimisation, Website Security, Content Updates, Technical Support, Site Backups, Recovery Design and Development tweaks. We also have individual Website maintenance packages which are listed

Our website maintenance services

With our website maintenance services, we look after your website and, we’ll keep your business website up-to-date in an efficient manner and provide you with the ability to focus on your core business activities. Our website maintenance services will ensure your website remains up-to-date and maintained which will alleviate any problems that could occur if you were to handle the upkeep of your website yourself, such as:

  • Keeping malware threats at bay with our security protection software
  • Keeping your website optimised with software updates and speed improvements to your website
  • Building in new functionality

We can help with any design changes to make sure your site looks good on all devices, including mobile. We provide the services of both a front-end developer and back-end developer so we can build new functionality to better engage your customers.

Here are some of the website maintenance services we offer

Speed optimisation

Website Optimisation is extremely important as no one wants to wait for a slow website to load up. As most people are using the internet on mobile devices these days, it is substantial that they still receive the same service as they would if they were using a desktop with fast connections.

Website Performance Optimisation can help reduce bounce rates, increase the flow of traffic to your website and increase sales if speed optimisation is done in the correct way

Website Security | Site Backups | Recovery Design

In recent years the number of websites on the internet has decreased because they are no longer active. A lot of these inactive websites are offline due to being hacked. Hacking is extremely common.

The hackers are not always interested in the content of your website, but also in the use of your server so that they can send out spam emails or illegal files.

This is why securing your website is vital. We offer plugin updates, content delivery network implementation, regular security updates, security scans and more.

Content Updates & Development tweaks

Content is the voice of your site. The modern meaning of content goes beyond text on your web pages. It can include changing, formatting or optimizing images and other assets; making changes – additions, deletions or modifications – to the menus and navigation on the site.

It’s important to keep your site up to date with the latest technological advancements and changes. Forced updates can happen due to a number of factors, such as new mobile devices or technology. Some common reasons for content updates & development tweaks on websites include:

  • The need for fresh information about products/services offered by your business
  • Software upgrades
  • Broken links analysis
  • CMS version updates
  • Business focus shifts
  • Search engine optimisation services
  • Technical Support

Your website is a reflection of you and your company. If it’s not running smoothly, that may be an indication that there are some technical problems and these may be related to programming or something else entirely. Our website maintenance services provide fast solutions for these kinds of issues and offer priority support so don’t hesitate! to give us a call.

WordPress Maintenance Services

Choose our top-notch WordPress maintenance services and let us handle all your WordPress support and maintenance needs. Our comprehensive plans cover content updates, security measures, optimization, backups, and more, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. Effective WordPress maintenance plays a vital role in the day-to-day operations of your WordPress site.

When you opt for our WordPress website Maintenance Services, you can relax knowing that your site’s content will stay fresh, your WordPress platform will remain up-to-date, and you’ll have reliable support whenever you need it. This gives you more time to focus on growing your business while we take care of your WordPress site.

Benefit from our expertise in integrating plugins, saving you time and reducing stress. Our UK-based, eco-friendly servers offer faster loading times, improved security, and include litespeed caching for optimal performance.

With proactive updates, secure daily backups, and expert guidance, we ensure peace of mind and minimize risks. Our security advice helps you implement best practices and safeguards against common WordPress vulnerabilities.

Count on our team of UK-based WordPress experts to manage your WordPress websites and support your online business growth. We provide 24/7 monitoring for site performance, security, and uptime, relieving you of technical hassles and risky updates.

Stay up-to-date with the latest WordPress and plugin updates, and let us fix any theme bugs or common WordPress issues. Our protection measures ensure your site is secure against spam and malware problems.

Choose our WordPress maintenance services and let us handle the technical aspects while you focus on what matters most—your business.

website support services

What is website support?

Websites are like boilers – if they are not maintained, serviced, or built properly in the first place, they will break down eventually. For your website to convert leads into customers, you will need to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to contact you, call you, or make purchases online. In the absence of an updated and properly maintained website, your web visitors will turn to your competitors.

Website support covers everything from code to imagery so you can focus on the day-to-day running of your business. It will also give you an opportunity to report problems related to your website such as:

  • Errors in data or content
  • Content appearing incorrectly
  • Allowing user feedback
  • Requests for system training
  • Access issues
  • System downtime

Why do you need website support?

The need for website support is largely due to the growing number of websites. The scrutiny that any company or business site goes through before it’s considered successful is much higher than in the past.

Websites are no longer static entities, but rather dynamic and ever-changing digital tools that must be kept up to date. This is where web support comes in.

Web support will allow you to free up your time so that you can focus on driving sales and improving customer service.
Your business website follows a similar design methodology as many other products. It needs maintenance in order to remain functional. To keep them functional and up-to-date, parts need to be replaced and upgraded.

It’s crucial to constantly monitor the site and the surrounding environment in order to keep up with changing requirements. It would be ridiculous to expect a car to work perfectly without any kind of work being done to it for years, and the same holds true for websites.

Support and maintenance are important because code standards and security measures undergo updates, as well as for more practical reasons like complying with search engine guidelines and maintaining accurate content.

What are Website Support Services?

For many people, their business website is their main source for connecting with customers. With so much riding on this one area of your own business, it can be hard to know what you need to do when things go wrong.

Hiring professional website maintenance services means that website maintenance companies will know the ins and outs of web design and website maintenance which will take some of the pressure off your shoulders by helping you keep your site running smoothly around the clock.

  • Site monitoring
  • Daily site checks
  • Priority support time available during office hours
  • Weekly Form checks including Contact forms, Bookings Forms, Ecommerce forms, Quote forms
  • Monthly test of adding a product to cart and testing the payment gateway
  • Advanced testing
  • Tracking and implementing content management system (CMS) updates and plugins
  • Finding and repairing broken links and missing image files on the site
  • Testing the site on new browsers and devices (including mobile phones)
  • Content management
  • Page creation
  • Updating content
  • Designing graphics and banners
  • Site recovery and backup assistance
  • Setup and monitoring of a Google Analytics account and basic training

What are the benefits of website support?

Web support services ensures your website remains easy to navigate, which in turn increases usage time and the likelihood of a sale. Website support provides several other key benefits for our clients, including:
Increased traffic

Increased traffic

When your site is error-free, fully functional, easy to use, and updated, you will find that it is much more likely to get hits. The reason for this is simple: people are less apprehensive about visiting a site if they know everything on the page works properly and there aren’t any errors or broken links.


With website maintenance services, you will cut down on your own time spent updating content and troubleshooting website problems such as plugin conflicts or data breaches. This means that instead of spending all day working in front of your computer, you can focus on support requests from customers

Page Speed Optimisation Services
higher rankings

Higher rankings

Professional website maintenance services improve search engine optimization (SEO) because it ensures that your site is easy to crawl, index, and rank for keywords.

Improved customer service

By outsourcing website support services you are freeing up time for yourself. This gives you more time to focus on responding quickly to customer questions or issues with their orders.

Web development maintenance

How much does web support cost?

Website maintenance services such as content updates, website tweaks, website backups and website restore start from £85 and is dependant on the size and complexity of your site. Please see our website maintenance plans below

Business Care Maintenance Package

  • Security Checks
  • Monthly backups
  • 2 hrs of content updates
  • WordPress & plugin updates

Website Support & Site Health Check

  • Malware analysis
  • Seo health check
  • 4 hrs of content updates
  • Performance Optimisation
Website Maintenance Services

What happens if you don’t maintain your website?

The health of a website is very important for many reasons. Google wants to rank websites who have relevant and updated information in their search engine result pages. Google is not required to index web pages especially if they suspect they have malware. If your webpage isn’t professional, customers will often go elsewhere.

The longer your website is not updated with fresh content, it becomes stale and the user experience becomes poor. If your website falls behind on too many updates, you’ll start to see a drop in online traffic and will likely be removed from Google’s search engine results pages. If you don’t go ahead and make website updates and tweaks and the website is not protected against malware and hackers, there are a number of problems that can occur.

These include:

Security Threats

Malware, spam emails and viruses could be sent out from your server if it has been hacked into. This can lead to legal action against your business and a loss of money.

Lost Traffic

If you don’t keep up with updates, things may go out of date on your website and people will be less likely to visit because they won’t trust it. This means that traffic decreases, which reduces the amount of revenue you make from the website.

Website Issues

If your website is not kept up to date, it may encounter issues like sudden errors or unexpected downtime. This means that the user experience of your website is poor and your target customers won’t trust doing business with you because you cannot maintain your own website.

Outdated website

Other visitors may avoid visiting your website if it looks out of date compared to others on the internet. Even if your website is filled with top quality content, it will not perform as well as other websites that are regularly updated.

Website maintenance can help you avoid these issues by keeping your website safe, updating and regularly checking your content and ensuring that it is running at the optimal speed.

We can look after your website for you

We know that maintaining a website can get overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’ll be there to help you with everything from the smallest tweak or plugin install up until your next update! You don’t have to worry about fixing any issues that may come up with your website as we do it all for you.

As part of our website maintenance services, our clients have the luxury of having access to a team that is more than just developers. Our strategists, copywriters and support staff can help them with all aspects of your business needs. As part of our website maintenance service will also help with design services such as print advertising, social media campaigns, branding and more

Contact us for a website maintenance service

Choose Digital Website Design if you are looking for a company that maintains websites with a long track record of satisfied clients. Our team of Experts can help you with Website Maintenance if you lack the time or expertise