SEO for Product Pages

Do you want more traffic?

Are you confident that your online store is performing well? You might have a top-notch site speed score and professional-looking images. You recently optimised your ecommerce conversion rate through testing. However, even if you have optimised product descriptions to sell, you may need more to impact your bottom line. Why? Because customers won’t be able to find your products if they can’t see them.

The ecommerce industry is projected to grow nearly £9 trillion between 2021 and 2025, with eCommerce expected to grab an even bigger portion of the retail pie. With everyone trying to profit from it, the competition is fierce. If you make a mistake, your competitors will gladly take your spot in Google’s search results. And if you don’t take advantage of SEO opportunities, your competitors will.

Advertising costs have become very expensive, often leading to disappointing results. This makes smart SEO practices more critical than ever before.

Many ecommerce websites focus on optimising their home page, category pages, and priority content pages as part of their on-site SEO strategy. They tend to dedicate so many resources to these high-funnel pages that ecommerce product page SEO becomes an afterthought.

This is because products usually have long-tail keywords that help them rank organically for their product name with less effort.

Although this is true, this line of thought results in missed opportunities. A well-optimised product page can attract precisely-targeted, conversion-ready, bottom-of-the-funnel (BoFu) traffic. This type of traffic, where the customer knows exactly what they want, is invaluable.

However, optimising ecommerce product pages is not a “set it and forget it” process. Here’s how to make sure your product pages generate all the high-value organic traffic they deserve:

What Is Product Page SEO?

Product page SEO is when businesses improve their product pages to show up higher in search engine results. These ecommerce product pages provide important details about products, such as size, dimensions, and descriptions, to help potential customers decide whether or not to make a purchase.

Ecommerce product pages must be user-friendly and easy to navigate so that customers can avoid getting frustrated and leaving the website without buying anything. And since people often use search engines to find what they need, it’s also crucial for ecommerce product pages to show up high in search results.

Product page SEO involves making specific changes to these pages, like adding certain words and phrases, to help them rank better in search results. This is great because it means more people will see the product page and be more likely to buy something.

The tricky part about product page SEO is finding the right balance between making the page look good and making it easy for search engines to find. It’s important to create unique and interesting product descriptions that include important keywords.

In short, product page SEO is really important for businesses that sell things online. By improving product pages, businesses can attract more customers and increase their chances of making a sale.

What is category Page SEO?

Category Page SEO is a vital aspect of e-commerce SEO. Regarding online shopping, the product listing pages act as the entry points to your product pages. These pages are either category pages or search results pages that showcase all your products.

When users browse these product listing pages, they are interested in purchasing from your site. As a webmaster, it’s important to focus on your product and listing pages. The latter is crucial because it serves as a catalogue of products. You need to use focus keywords and optimised content to ensure that these pages rank higher in search engines.

This way, when someone searches for a product that matches your offer, your product listing page will appear in the search results. For example, suppose someone searches for “trainers” on Google, and you offer a variety of products that fit that description. In that case, your category listing page will appear. Users can then browse & filter through all the options available for trainers on your website.

In summary, optimising both your product pages and product listing pages is essential for the success of your e-commerce website. This makes it easy for potential customers to find and browse through all the products you offer, ultimately increasing the chances of a sale.

Optimising product pages

There are several ways to improve your product page optimisation (SEO). The key is creating optimised data for search engines while providing an engaging user experience. Here are some useful tips for optimising your product pages:

Conduct Keyword Research

Conducting thorough keyword research is one of the most crucial aspects of optimising product pages. The right keywords can drive traffic to your page and lead to higher conversions. However, it’s important to focus on the relevancy of your keywords, rather than just their search volume.

When selecting keywords, prioritise product-specific topics your potential customers are actively searching for. If you have data from other channels, such as paid search, use it to inform your keyword and topic research. Consider incorporating ad copy with high click-through rates (CTR) into your meta descriptions for added impact.

Optimising your product pages with a transactional intent is essential, as they are designed to drive sales. Therefore, your landing pages should cater to searchers who are ready to make a purchase. Avoid competing with your category pages by optimising each product page for product-specific queries rather than brand or brand + product category queries.

To align your product names with your target search queries, include important details such as the brand name, product name, model number, colour, size, and SKU, where relevant. For example, if someone is searching for an “Apple iPad Pro,” including these details can increase the likelihood of a purchase.

It’s also important to consider what keywords someone might use when searching for your product, even if they need to become more familiar with your brand. Consider descriptive adjectives, product features, colours, and even the pain points your product addresses.

Ultimately, your aim should be to make it easy for users to take the next important step. By refining your keyword strategy and optimising your product pages accordingly, you can increase the likelihood of conversions and drive more business.

Optimise product page URL

When optimising your website for search engines, one important factor is descriptive and consistent product URLs. These URLs should be simple, relevant, and easy to understand for visitors and search engines.

To create an SEO-friendly URL, it’s best to include your target keyword and ensure the URL reflects the product or page content. Avoid using auto-generated gibberish, product numbers, or extremely long URLs that don’t make sense.

A good product URL structure is descriptive, brief, and all in lowercase letters. The last part of the URL, known as the URL slug, should also be relevant to the product or page content.

For example, if you have a product page for the Samsung Galaxy 23, a good URL slug could be “galaxy-23”. This makes the full URL easy to read and understand, such as ““.

Creating clear and consistent product URLs can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages and attract more clicks from visitors.

Optimise meta title tag and meta description

Optimising your title tag and meta description is crucial if you want your product page to rank well on search engines and attract potential customers. The title tag should be descriptive for search engines and attractive to consumers. Start with the product name and add relevant keywords to enhance the tag’s content. You can also use pain point keywords or enticing adjectives to improve click-through rates without compromising your keyword goals.

Your meta description should be brief, offer an overview of the product, and highlight the product’s benefits and solutions to customers’ pain points. You can also describe who the customer will become by using the product. The ideal length for a meta description is up to 160 characters.

A good meta title should be easy to read, contain important keywords at the beginning, be unique, and have a maximum length of 60 characters. Optimising your title tag and meta description can improve your product page’s visibility on search engines and attract more potential customers.

Use high-quality product images & alt text

When it comes to improving the performance of your ecommerce product page, high-quality images are a must. By displaying detailed product images in the right context, you’re likely to increase conversion rates. For instance, if you’re selling furniture, display it in a room where it’s commonly used and highlight all of its features.

Aside from improving your conversion rates, optimised images can also boost your product page’s SEO performance. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use descriptive product names in your image file names and alt attributes.
  • Serve your images in the right format, such as JPG or WebP, and at the right size.
  • Compress your images to reduce their file size.
  • Include your images in an image XML sitemap.
  • Ensure your images load quickly and don’t slow down page load times.

Although Google can identify images to some extent, using descriptive alt text for your images is still important. This basic SEO best practice can significantly improve your photos’ SEO performance. So, be sure to add descriptive alt tags to your ecommerce product page images.

For example, here they show a closeup of a pocket:

And here there’s a photo to sell you the backpack, packaged as a dream come true:

Product heading and sub description

When creating e-commerce pages, headings play a crucial role in making your page structure clear and easy to understand for both your visitors and search engines. Most e-commerce pages have a short product description followed by a longer one with more details. To make your copy stand out, it is essential to write a concise and compelling short description that persuades the customer to read more. This is where you can showcase your product’s unique and most valuable features.

To optimise your e-commerce page structure, we suggest using the H1 heading for the product name and H2 headings for the essential sections like features, technical specifications, reviews, and Q&As. You can also include the product name in one of the H2s, but make sure it doesn’t negatively impact the user experience.

For instance, let’s take the Nike Air Max 95 Ultra on the JD Sports website as an example:

H1: Nike Air Max 95 Ultra


  • Product Info
  • Reviews
  • Delivery
  • Returns

Crafting Unique Product Descriptions for Better SEO

Do you need help to drive traffic to your e-commerce site or need help converting visitors into customers? One possible culprit could be your product descriptions. Unique and compelling product descriptions are vital to the success of your product page SEO.

The quality of your product descriptions can make or break a sale. Your descriptions should be personal and engaging and clearly explain the product’s benefits and features. However, be careful to shorten them, as customers prefer succinct descriptions.

Many e-commerce websites must correct the mistake of copying and pasting manufacturer descriptions or using the same description for all their products. This approach is problematic because it needs to distinguish your brand from the competition and provide a better customer experience. Furthermore, Google’s algorithms can detect duplicate content, hurting your SEO rankings.

To create unique descriptions, start by highlighting the key features of each product. For instance, if you’re selling Samsung s23 mobile phone, talk about the camera, storage, battery life, and any other features which sell the phone.

If your online store has numerous product pages, prioritising which ones to start with is crucial. Focus on creating unique descriptions for your best-selling products, then gradually work on the rest. Your ultimate goal should be to provide unique, valuable information on each product, giving customers a reason to choose your brand over competitors.

Crafting unique product descriptions can improve your SEO rankings, engage customers, and increase your conversion rate. Don’t settle for generic product descriptions – invest time and effort into creating unique, high-quality descriptions that will set your brand apart from the competition.

Optimise attributes

Are you looking to improve your e-commerce page’s visibility on search engines? Incorporating product attributes in your product descriptions can help your page rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract potential customers looking for products with specific characteristics.

Product attribute SEO involves using specific product features to rank higher in SERPs. Customers often search for products with unique characteristics. Including those specific features in your product descriptions can increase the chances of your product appearing in the search results. By incorporating the brand name, series name, model name, and SKU in your product descriptions, you can significantly impact your SEO ranking and ensure that the product information is relevant, specific, and tailored to potential customers’ needs.

Providing detailed and accurate product attributes can increase the likelihood of attracting and retaining customers. When customers can find the specific product features they’re looking for, they are more likely to purchase.

Provide a clear call to action (CTA)

As an online business owner, creating a clear call to action (CTA) is essential to your e-commerce page. A CTA is usually placed after the product description. It helps guide your potential customers seamlessly from product browsing to checkout. To make it effective, ensure that it is clear and engaging and should include the specific action you want the customer to take.

CTAs can be displayed in various ways, and choosing the most suitable option for your page is essential. For instance, the commonly used CTAs for e-commerce product pages include “Add to Cart” or “Add to Bag.” Retailers may also add a secondary CTA such as “Add to Wishlist,” which allows shoppers to save desired products to their account for a future purchase, as shown in the Culture Kings example below.

By including clear and engaging CTAs in your product pages, you can guide potential customers towards making a purchase, resulting in increased conversions and sales. Therefore, paying close attention to your CTA placement, wording, and design is crucial to make it as effective as possible.

Allow Customer Reviews

As an ecommerce business, you can enhance your SEO by sharing real testimonials and customer reviews on your product pages. Not only do reviews help with SEO, but they are also valuable for potential customers who are considering purchasing from you.

When adding customer reviews, allow for comprehensive feedback and include photos if relevant. Prompting customers for more information can also be helpful for future customers. Authentic testimonials from real customers can go a long way in building trust and credibility with your audience.

Furthermore, reviews can also provide unique and fresh content that search engines like Google look for. Endorsements from well-known celebrities or influencers can also be beneficial in building trust with your audience. Be sure to mark up your reviews using review schema to optimise their impact on SEO. Remember, by including customer reviews on your product pages, you can double your conversion rates and provide valuable information to potential customers.

Add & Optimise FAQs

Including a clear and helpful FAQ section on your website can be a game-changer when ranking high in search engine results pages (SERPs). Providing high-quality content that satisfies the users’ needs is crucial, as low-quality content can result in high bounce rates and may cause potential customers to lose interest in your brand.

Unfortunately, most category and product pages need more optimised content and need to include a structured FAQ section. Instead, they rely on user-generated content, which is not ideal. For example, suppose a user has a question about a product and wants to avoid contacting customer service. In that case, a well-crafted FAQ section can provide the information they need quickly and efficiently, increasing the likelihood of a purchase.

When creating your FAQ section, mark it up with Schema to make it stand out even more. For FAQs, use the FAQPage property; for Q&As, use the Q&APage property. By doing so, your FAQ section will be more likely to catch users’ attention and help improve your search engine rankings. A well-designed FAQ section can greatly benefit your brand by providing customers with valuable information and improving your website’s SEO.

Here’s an example of FAQpage markup for our robots.txt guide, which is useful and gets quite some attention:

Add structured data for your products and get rich results

If you want to improve your SEO game, structured data is something you should pay attention to. And if you sell products, using structured data to make your product pages stand out in search results is especially important.

Structured data is a way to provide additional information about your website’s content to search engines like Google and Bing. By doing so, you can increase the chances of your pages appearing in rich results, which are those fancy search results that include images, reviews, and other useful information.

For product pages specifically, there’s a type of structured data called Product schema designed to help search engines understand the unique characteristics of your products. This can include details like the product name, manufacturer, description, dimensions, and more. You can also use Review structured data to highlight customer reviews, which can be especially powerful for convincing potential customers to purchase.

It’s worth noting that Product schema and Review schema are supported by major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex. By using these structured data types, you’re helping these search engines better understand your product pages and make them more visible to potential customers.

One thing to remember is that structured data isn’t dictated by the W3C consortium (which is the organisation that sets web standards). Rather, it’s a markup language that’s been agreed upon by the major search engines to help them better identify and understand different types of content.

If you need help getting started with structured data, plenty of online resources and tools are available to help you. And suppose you’re already using structured data but need help seeing the results you want. In that case, it’s worth taking a closer look at your markup to ensure you’re providing as much relevant information as possible.

Using structured data effectively, you can help your product pages stand out in search results and increase your chances of making sales. So if you still need to use structured data, now’s the time to start.

Wrapping Up

Optimising your product pages is crucial to getting more traffic to convert to an industry that is only becoming more competitive. Competition may be fierce; however, online shopping is only becoming more popular for consumers. This means one thing: the opportunity for e-commerce success is very high.

By giving consumers the best information on a product (and quickly), a compelling reason to buy, answers to their anticipated FAQs, and genuine reviews, you’re giving them reasons to return to your site.

Get ahead of your competitors and maximise the visibility of your product listings by implementing these actionable product page SEO tips. With so many strategies you can apply, test, and learn from, it’s time to get the most out of your product pages. If you’d like to learn more about product page SEO best practices or what a comprehensive SEO/ campaign can do for your e-commerce business, contact Digital Website Design today.

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