Top Link Building Strategies in 2023

How to Optimise Your Website

Are you struggling with Link Building Strategies? You’re not alone! But fear not because we’ve got you covered. The key to successful link building is quality over quantity. We’ve compiled a handful of tactics that work and are easy to replicate for your website. These strategies bring needle-moving links, which drive traffic and increase revenue for your business.

Remember that link building is a gradual process, but with patience and persistence, you can succeed. Remember to steer clear of bad practices that could hurt your rankings. Incorporate these top Link Building Strategies into your SEO and growth strategies to attract new audiences to your website.

Link building strategies

What is link building, and why is it important?

SEO Link Building Strategies are critical to increasing a website’s visibility and authority in search results. Link building involves obtaining hyperlinks to your website from other high-quality sites. These links offer SEO benefits in the form of authority signals and referral traffic.

Content marketing, guest blogging, social media, and outreach are all common link building methods. However, it’s important to note that not all links are equal in value, and some can even hurt your website’s ranking. To ensure the best results, build high-quality links from authoritative websites with relevant content.

What are backlinks, and why do they matter?

Backlinks are links to your website from other sites. They’re essential for boosting your site’s ranking in search results, as they signal to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy. Links from credible and relevant sites are important for improving your site’s authority and visibility. However, it’s not about quantity but quality.

Effective link building techniques are necessary to find the right backlink prospects and achieve results. This includes creating high-quality content, guest blogging, participating in online forums, and contacting other sites. Working with a reputable SEO company or consultant is crucial to building high-quality links to help you achieve your SEO goals.

The best Link Building Strategies in SEO

Link Building Strategies are crucial for improving your website’s visibility and SEO ranking. It would be best to focus on high-quality links from authoritative sites to build relevant links. There are various link building techniques that you can try, but finding the ones that work best for your business is essential. Experiment with the different strategies below and see which ones succeed the most.

Guest Blogging

If you’re looking for ways to build links to your site, guest blogging is a popular and effective strategy. Guest blogging involves writing and publishing a blog post for another website, typically resulting in a backlink to your site. To find relevant guest posting opportunities, you can use Google search operators such as “Your keyword + intitle: “write for us”.”

It’s important to partner with relevant brands in your niche to create valuable content rather than writing a guest post on any site available to get more backlinks. When you reach out to relevant sites, always include a list of topics you’d like to cover and ensure they’re all unique and interesting blog post ideas.

While writing a guest post is a white hat strategy, all forms of link building are against Google’s guidelines. The ranking algorithm wants to see specific metrics and guest posts work well as a marketing function to build a target audience and feed the algorithm the metrics it wants. However, it’s harder to earn a genuine link placement in 2023, as most site owners have caught on and often want payments to place your guest post.

Skyscraper Technique

If you want to improve your search rankings, the Skyscraper Technique is a great link-building strategy to help you achieve your goals. First, analyse the top-performing content on SERPs, and use Site Explorer to find potential targets. Afterwards, create a SERP-based content outline that includes the main header titles common in all the results on the SERPs.

Creating unique content with an original angle is the next step. Add actionable information, images, and videos and fill in the details to make your content stand out. On-page optimization is essential, and you need to use the right heading tags, have primary keywords in the right place, and create a catchy and optimised title tag and meta description.

Lastly, reach out to people linking to the top results on the SERP and convince them that your resource is a better one to link to than the original content. This technique works best if you can make friends with those who have linked to similar articles, and it is executed through email outreach.

Broken link building

One effective way to build new links for your website is through broken link building. This strategy involves finding broken links on your competitors’ websites and creating a similar resource to replace the dead link. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  • Use tools like SEMrush’s Backlink Analytics to find a broken link on your competitors’ websites.
  • Analyse the broken page’ URL to determine what topics the content used to cover.
  • If the topic is relevant, create a similar resource on your website or a new page.
  • Reach out to websites linking to the broken pages and pitch your replacement link.
  • Focus on building a relationship with the blog owner or manager to build trust.
  • Offer your replacement link to help them have a great page for their readers, not just to get a link.
  • If you don’t have something relevant to offer, focus on fixing the broken link at hand.

By following these steps, you can increase the number of quality links pointing to your website and improve your search engine rankings. Remember to approach broken link building as a long-term strategy and be patient. With time and effort, you can see great results with this top link building technique.

Resource Page Link Building

Resource Page Link Building is a popular link building strategy in SEO that involves creating an authoritative site with unique and informative content that can be shared as a resource on other websites. This strategy works particularly well for longer beginner guides and “how-to” posts that provide a comprehensive overview of a particular topic.

For instance, a guide on things to do in Florida can be added to a travel agent’s resource page. Once you have created your resource post, you can look for websites with a resource page that could link it. The goal is to identify websites with resource pages that cater to your niche, as they are more likely to be interested in sharing your content as a resource.

You can contact the website owners or managers to inform them about your content and request that they link to it from their resource page. Resource Page Link Building is an effective way to build links and improve your website’s ranking.

Infographic Link Building

Infographic link building is a smart strategy that leverages the power of infographics to secure valuable links weekly. These visually appealing and informative pieces can complement more informative blog posts and make great fodder for guest posts. Infographics are a great way to share data and information with your target audience. They can be very effective at generating traffic and engagement.

To create an infographic that will attract backlinks, choosing a topic that is relevant to your target audience and likely to generate interest is important. Additionally, your infographic must be well-designed, visually appealing, and include accurate and up-to-date information. Here are some tips for creating infographics that will attract backlinks:

  • Choose a relevant and interesting topic
  • Use high-quality images and graphics
  • Write clear and concise text
  • Promote your infographic on social media and other online channels

After creating a high-quality infographic, it’s time to contact other websites and bloggers and ask them to link to it. Ensure you include a brief infographic description and explain why it would be a valuable addition to their website.

If executed correctly, infographic link building can improve your website’s search engine ranking and attract more traffic. By following these tips and creating informative, engaging, and visually appealing infographics, you can successfully leverage infographic link building to build links and improve your website’s search engine ranking.

Outreach Based Link Building Strategies

Outreach is a vital aspect of almost every successful SEO link-building strategy. By reaching out to individuals in your niche and showcasing your valuable content, you can secure links to your website. You don’t always need content but something worthy of a link, like your product, service, business, brand, or personality.

For example, suppose people are linking to your website because they appreciate your content. In that case, you can use that as a basis for your outreach strategy. You can reach out to individuals in your target audience, such as entrepreneurs or startups, to let them know about your content, and they might reference you in their future articles. However, outreach is most effective when you have a linkable asset, such as great blog posts, tools, or infographics, to offer.

You can reach out to individuals who have mentioned your target keyword or linked to similar articles. By doing so, you increase the chances of securing backlinks to your website, which can help improve your search engine rankings.

Influencer Outreach

In the world of SEO, building links is crucial to ranking high on search engine results pages. One effective link building strategy is influencer outreach. This involves contacting influencers or creators via email or social media to build relationships and promote your brand.

Finding the right influencer can be challenging, and it’s important to consider their niche, follower count, audience quality, location, style, and values. Once you’ve identified potential partners, you must create a compelling offer and craft messages that will convince them to collaborate.

Examples of influencer outreach strategies include barter collaborations, product unpacking, and conducting surveys. However, before embarking on a campaign, you must clearly understand your marketing goals, partnership terms, and target audience. By following these steps and analysing your results, you can develop a successful link building strategy and improve your website’s SEO.

Link Reclamation

Link reclamation is an effective link building technique that involves finding and fixing broken links, duplicate content, and internal linking issues. Link reclamation can help maintain the quality and SEO power of backlinks, which is essential in preserving the link juice that a website currently has.

Reclaimed links are considered low-hanging fruit in the link building world since website owners do not want broken links on their sites. In fixing broken internal links, one can use a web crawler like Screaming Frog to identify broken or dead internal links. On the other hand, finding and fixing broken backlinks is a bit more complicated than internal links since the website or site owner does not have control over them. Tools such as Majestic or Ahrefs can help to find sites that link to any pages that may have been moved or deleted.

Competitor Analysis

One effective link building strategy is competitor analysis, which involves analysing your competitors’ backlink profiles to obtain their strategies and acquire valuable links. By understanding your niche market and your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses, you can focus your energy on maximum returns.

You can identify the links that drive your competitors’ growth and the linking pages that provide these links. Acquiring these links involves creating a list of competitors and their backlinks and analyzing the link building strategy used to obtain them. This can be done using free online tools like Open Link Profiler, which provides information on the top 50-60 backlinks. By following these steps, you can obtain quality backlinks that can contribute to the success of your link building campaign.

Link Roundups

A link roundup is a blog post featuring other people’s blogs with links. These posts usually occur weekly or monthly and focus on a topic related to the hosting blog. The purpose is to share content with the audience from other sources, called curating content.

To participate, you can search for link roundups by using specific phrases such as “niche + link roundup,” “niche + link love,” “niche + linky love,” and “niche + best of roundup.” To get featured in a link roundup, you must have excellent content, network with other bloggers, establish relationships, and promote your work. You can increase your chances of getting featured by putting your best foot forward and always presenting something of value.

Social Media-Based Link Building Strategies

Social media can play a crucial role in a website’s link building work, with social links outside of social media platforms being the main focus. Building relationships with people on social media platforms is how to achieve this. Twitter is a useful link building tool, with listening to the right conversations being the key to success. Twitter is one of the most powerful channels for link building efforts, so building relationships and looking to influence editors or webmasters to click publish on a link is important.

Social media can be used for outreach, link prospecting, content ideation, and promotion. However, social media has no direct impact on search rankings, although it can improve traffic to a site in other ways. To use social media effectively for link building, it is necessary to use all available tools and follow the conversation. Building relationships naturally is vital, and engaging honestly and personally rather than trying to automate interactions is important.

Unlinked brand mentions

Unlinked brand mentions refer to the mentions of your brand on websites that do not include a link back to your website. Links are vital in developing website authority, so links are the primary off-page ranking signal. While Google gives value to brand mentions, links provide more SEO value, which is why link building tactics are necessary to achieve authority, credibility and relevance.

To find unlinked mentions of your brand, you can research using tools like SEMrush or BuzzSumo, scan for alternate spellings of your brand name, and prioritise based on the highest SEO or PR value. The next step is to find the contact information for the webmaster, author of the article, or the website editor.

When pitching editorial links, it is essential to show how linking to your website benefits both parties and to be polite and genuine to avoid appearing pushy. To generate do follow links, it is essential to have link-worthy content that publishers will want to link to.

Technical Link Building Strategies

Internal links are essential to boost your SEO because they allow Google and other search engines to find content on your website and rank it in the search results. Internal links establish a hierarchy on your site, allowing you to provide the most important pages and posts with more link value than other pages.

Using the correct internal linking strategy, you can guide your visitors and search engines to your most important pages. Internal links point your users to interesting and related content, allowing search engines to determine its value. Contextual links are also important; good internal links are crucial to your SEO.

Orphaned content, pages on your website with no internal links pointing to them, becomes an issue for search engines because they can’t find and index them. With the correct internal links, you can suggest related posts to link to and provide search engines with more ways to reach the content on your website.

Bad Link Building Strategies

Generating inbound links from other sites is crucial for improving your website’s search engine rankings. However, if you engage in bad link building tactics, you risk being penalised by Google and losing traffic and sales. Here are some common Link Building Strategies to avoid:

  • Submitting your site to spammy directories may hurt your rankings. If you submit to directories, ensure they are well-known and strictly moderated.
  • Paying for links goes against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, including exchanging goods or services for links and excessive link exchanges.
  • Commenting on blogs and adding links to your site is no longer effective. Most links in blog comments are no follow, which can get you banned from sites you comment on.
  • When building links, focusing solely on domain authority and not website relevance can result in an unnatural link profile. Instead, aim to build links with as many relevant websites as possible. To generate links that improve your search engine rankings, create link-worthy content and use reputable, trustworthy strategies. Avoid the above practices to ensure that your link building work is effective in the long run.

We can help you earn more links

Are you looking to generate links to your website? Our team of link building experts can help! With a range of link building tactics and link-worthy content, we can help you earn high-quality, do follow links from sites linking to yours. We offer customised link building plans to fit your budget, ensuring your website receives the attention it deserves.

Plus, you can trust that our methods are legitimate and focus on earning links through targeted outreach. Don’t risk being penalised for spammy link building – work with us to improve your authority online and achieve the best possible ROI.