The Ultimate Guide to Ecommerce Web Development

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What is ecommerce web development?

In today’s world, businesses must have a website to showcase their products and services. However, having an ecommerce website is even more vital as it allows users to purchase products directly online. Ecommerce web development involves building and designing an online store where customers can buy. This is crucial for small businesses as online shopping continues to grow, with almost 15% of sales happening online.

By having a well-developed ecommerce website, businesses can increase their sales and profits by making the order process more efficient for customers and building brand equity. This process includes creating product pages, shopping carts, order forms, and support pages for the website. Having an ecommerce website also allows customers to make purchases from anywhere using their phone or computer without visiting a physical store. So, if you’re a small business owner looking to expand your sales and reach more customers, investing in ecommerce web development is crucial for your success.

Importance of ecommerce web development

Ecommerce web development is essential because it allows businesses to sell their products and services online. It is a convenient way for customers to shop. It can be an excellent way for businesses to reach a wider audience.

There are many benefits to ecommerce web development, including:

  • Increased sales: Ecommerce websites can help businesses generate more sales by making it easy for customers to purchase products and services online.
  • Increased reach: Ecommerce websites can help businesses reach a wider audience by making their products and services available to customers worldwide.
  • Improved customer service: Ecommerce websites can help businesses provide better customer service by allowing customers to track their orders, contact customer service, and return products quickly.
  • Reduced costs: Ecommerce websites can help businesses reduce costs by eliminating needing a physical store.
  • Increased flexibility: Ecommerce websites can help businesses be more flexible by allowing them to sell their products and services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you are considering starting an ecommerce business or want to improve your existing online store, ecommerce web development is a great place to start. With the help of a professional ecommerce developer, you can create a successful ecommerce website that will help you achieve your business goals.


Functionality needed for ecommerce web development

Suppose you’re thinking of developing an e-commerce website. In that case, there are several features you should consider adding to ensure that your website is functional and able to meet your customers’ needs. Before embarking on the ecommerce website development process, creating a list of features your e-commerce website needs is essential.

This list should be in line with your business model and unique requirements. All must be considered in order of importance, from general features such as payment gateways to specific ones like automatic sales tax calculation. The crucial elements that drive revenue should be prioritized to improve business growth. This way, you will clearly understand what your site needs and can build it accordingly.

Responsive Design for Mobile Commerce

In today’s mobile-driven world, it’s crucial to have a website that supports responsive, mobile-friendly web design. As more customers use their mobile devices to shop online, you’ll want to ensure that your website offers a consistent shopping experience, regardless of the device used.

With responsive web design, you can ensure that your website adapts to any device, making it accessible and easy to navigate. Additionally, you can create a mobile app to enhance your customers’ experience further. Thankfully, BigCommerce offers free and premium responsive themes optimized for multiple product catalogues and industries to help you meet this need.

SEO Capabilities

SEO is an excellent way to distribute your content and improve your website’s visibility. By ranking highly on search engines, you can attract interested users to your site, increasing the likelihood of conversions. Therefore, SEO is an essential aspect of e-commerce website design.

To achieve this, ensure your site is optimized for search engines and includes relevant keywords. By hiring developers who know how to optimize your site for search engines, you can create a functional and attractive site that also ranks highly.

Site Speed Optimization

Research shows that site speed plays a crucial role in user experience and site ranking. Fast-loading sites are not only more user-friendly, but they are also more attractive to search engines. Therefore, it’s vital to optimize your website’s speed to ensure that it is functional and provides an excellent user experience. This requires hiring developers who understand the importance of site speed optimization and who know how to create fast-loading e-commerce websites.

CMS (Content Management System)

A CMS is a critical aspect of an e-commerce website as it houses any dynamic content, such as blog posts, visuals, and other blocks of content. This makes it easy for you to manage and update content on your website, ensuring that it stays current and supports your products. By creating an ecommerce site with an integrated CMS, you can ensure that your website is always updated with the latest content, which helps improve your site’s overall functionality.

Product Management

To ensure that you consistently provide customers with the products they need, you need to have a product management system in place. This means that your e-commerce site should have the functionality necessary to add, edit, and keep track of inventory. By having this functionality in place, you can avoid stockouts, provide customers with multiple product versions, and offer promotions and discounts when needed.

Payments and Checkout

Providing customers with multiple payment options is crucial in today’s business world. With the rise of mobile payments, businesses must offer flexible and seamless payment options to meet customers’ needs. By integrating your e-commerce platform with multiple payment gateways, you can speed up the decision-making process and increase the likelihood of sales. Additionally, you can customize your checkout to offer one-click checkout to improve the customer experience.


One of the most critical aspects of ecommerce web development is ensuring that your site is secure. This is especially important when dealing with sensitive data such as customer information and payment details. To protect your customers’ data, you need to make sure that your site meets PCI compliance standards. While some platforms may provide basic security features such as an SSL certificate, it may be necessary to invest in additional software or infrastructure to ensure the safety of your site.

Fortunately, with BigCommerce, you don’t have to worry about security. Their Level 1 PCI compliance ensures that your site is safe and secure, allowing you to focus on building your business.


Another important aspect of ecommerce web development is integration. No single platform will offer every feature you need, so it’s crucial to choose a platform that allows you to customize your site by integrating with third-party software solutions.

Consider what integrations you need to make your back office run smoothly. You may want to connect your ecommerce solution to existing CRM systems. Additionally, if you rely on digital marketing, you’ll want to ensure that you can integrate your data with your email marketing system and other marketing channels.

Marketing Strategy

As you develop your ecommerce website, it’s essential to consider your marketing strategy. By defining your marketing strategy early in the process, you can ensure that your site is structured to meet your goals and that you have the necessary features in place.

For example, if social media marketing is a key part of your strategy, you’ll want to include social sharing options on your site. If mobile commerce is a priority, you may want to consider push notifications or building a mobile app.

By keeping these key factors in mind during ecommerce web development, you can ensure that your site is both functional and effective.

Ecommerce Web Development Process

The process of ecommerce web development involves building and designing a website that allows businesses to sell online. There are six critical steps that businesses should consider when developing an ecommerce website.

Start with a Plan

The first step is to have a plan, including customer service goals, product display and sales goals, and business goals like increasing sales and brand recognition. Planning will determine the structure and layout of your website.

Choose a Platform and Domain

Once you have a plan, choose an ecommerce platform that will suit your business goals, like Shopify or Wix. Then, pick a domain name that is representative of your brand, memorable and short.

Create the Layout

After choosing a domain and ecommerce platform, start creating a sitemap or a simple outline of the website’s pages. Consider pages like product listings, customer reviews, checkout processes, videos, and customer wish lists.

Code Your Website

Web coding or back-end ecommerce website development is essential to ensure that the website functions properly. Decide whether to code your website manually or use a CMS like WordPress or Drupal.

Optimise Your Design

After coding, it’s time to optimize your website’s design or front-end development. Consider the look and feel, themes, colours, images, and videos.

Get Ready to Launch

Test the website before launching to ensure everything works well, including purchase functions. Implement a marketing strategy to promote the website and products, such as pay-per-click ads, social media promotions, and an SEO strategy.

What is the difference between ecommerce web development vs. ecommerce web design?

Ecommerce web development and ecommerce web design are two closely related terms, but they do have distinct meanings.

Ecommerce web development is the process of building and maintaining an ecommerce website. This includes tasks such as coding, designing, and testing the website. Ecommerce web design, on the other hand, is the process of creating the visual look and feel of an ecommerce website. This includes tasks such as creating the website’s layout, choosing colours and fonts, and adding images and videos.

Both ecommerce web development and ecommerce web design are essential for creating a successful ecommerce website. However, they are two different skills that require different expertise. If you are looking to create an ecommerce website, you will need to hire a team that includes both ecommerce web developers and ecommerce web designers.

Ultimately, the goal of both ecommerce web development and ecommerce web design is to create a user-friendly and visually appealing ecommerce website that will help businesses generate sales.

Ecommerce web development

Ecommerce web design

Focuses on the technical aspects of building an ecommerce website

Focuses on the visual aspects of an ecommerce website

Involves tasks such as coding, designing, and testing

Involves tasks such as creating the website's layout, choosing the colors and fonts, and adding images and videos

Requires expertise in web development

Requires expertise in web design

Is a necessary part of creating an ecommerce website

Is a necessary part of creating an ecommerce website

What is the difference between backend and frontend ecommerce development?

Ecommerce frontend technology is what you see and interact with when you visit an online store. It includes the website’s design, layout, and all of the elements that you use to browse and purchase products. Ecommerce backend technology, on the other hand, is what powers the online store behind the scenes. It includes the database, servers, and software that store and process customer data, process orders, and manage inventory.

Both ecommerce frontend and backend technology are essential for a successful online store. The front end needs to be user-friendly and visually appealing, while the back end needs to be reliable and secure. If either one is not working properly, it can harm the customer experience and the store’s bottom line.

The types of ecommerce websites

There are two main types of ecommerce websites: vendor-specific and multi-vendor.

Vendor-specific websites are owned and operated by a single company. This is the most common type of ecommerce website, and it is used by both brick-and-mortar stores and online-only stores. Some examples of vendor-specific websites include Amazon, Walmart, and Target.

Multi-vendor websites are owned and operated by a company that allows other businesses to sell their products on the site. These websites are often called marketplaces, and they are a popular way for small businesses to reach a wider audience. Some examples of multi-vendor websites include eBay, Etsy, and Amazon Marketplace.

Both vendor-specific and multi-vendor websites have their advantages and disadvantages. Vendor-specific websites offer more control over the customer experience, but they can be more expensive to set up and maintain. Multi-vendor websites are less expensive to set up and maintain, but they offer less control over the customer experience.

The best type of ecommerce website for you will depend on your specific needs and goals. If you are just starting, a multi-vendor website may be a good option. However, if you have a strong brand and a large customer base, a vendor-specific website may be a better choice.

Vendor-specific website

Multi-vendor website

Owned and operated by a single company

Owned and operated by a company that allows other businesses to sell their products on the site

More control over the customer experience

Less control over the customer experience

More expensive to set up and maintain

Less expensive to set up and maintain

Better for businesses with a strong brand and a large customer base

Better for businesses that are just starting out or that want to reach a wider audience

We make ecommerce website development easy

Digital Website Design is a leading ecommerce web development company that can help you create a successful online business. We have a team of award-winning web developers who can create custom ecommerce sites that meets your specific needs. We also offer a variety of ecommerce website development services, including:

Website design: We can help you create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that will encourage visitors to buy your products.

Ecommerce platform integration: We can help you integrate your ecommerce platform with your website, so you can easily manage your orders and inventory.

Payment processing: We can help you set up payment processing on your website, so you can accept credit cards and other forms of payment.

Marketing: We can help you market your online store, so you can reach a wider audience and generate more sales.

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced ecommerce web development company for your next ecommerce project, Digital Website Design is a great option. We have a proven track record of success and are committed to helping you achieve your business goals.

Digital Website Design

Digital Website Design

With combined backgrounds in Website Design, Brand Creation, Website Development and Digital Marketing, Digital Website Design have positioned themselves as the best web designers in harrow and web designers in high wycombe. From Branding to Digital Marketing or Website creation to Full scale Website Development, Digital Website Design are able to facilitate most types of Graphic & Website Design requests